Setting up 3D printers for different types of materials.Do not you know...
You want to know how to print a 3D model on a 3D printer without peeling...
Táto modrá páska má výbornú adhéziu k (vyhrievanej) tlačovej platforme....
SALE for preORDERS - Discount 5% - READY FOR SALING DIMAFIX PEN - Good...
ApolloX ™ - is a professional high-quality technical filament (design...
CarbonFil™ is a light-weight and incredibly stiff carbon fibre...
FlexiFil™ filament is a rubber-like 3D printer filament which allows you...
CarbonFil™ is a light-weight and incredibly stiff carbon fibre...
HDglass ™ - Fluor Clear Stained -...